Women’s Retreats

BettyAshton is a follower of Jesus who loves God with her whole heart and delights in His word and hearing His voice.  One of her favorite ways to use the harp is to lead groups into a quiet place so that they can meditate on the Word of God and hear Him speak.  In a world of chaos and noise that never stops, BettyAshton allows the Holy Spirit to guide her in using her music to bring peace and stillness.  

BettyAshton is passionate about the way Jesus brings healing, hope and freedom.  It is her greatest delight to lead others to experience God in a way that they would love Him with their whole heart.  She regularly leads worship and prayer events, Bible studies and Soul Care groups on Smith Mountain Lake, nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia between Roanoke and Lynchburg.  

Contact her for upcoming events or to have her speak and/or play the harp at your Christian retreat.